In the 2007 session, the Legislature provided the Commission with funding and a mandate to conduct a long-term ferry funding study per the following statutory provisions contained in the 2007-09 Transportation Budget:
ESHB 1094, Section 206:
(2) $100,000 of the motor vehicle account–state appropriation is provided solely for a study to identify and evaluate long-term funding alternatives for the Washington state ferry system. The study shall incorporate the findings of the initial survey described in subsection (1) of this section, and shall consider the potential for state, regional, or local funding options. The commission shall submit a draft final report of its findings and recommendations to the transportation committees of the legislature no later than December 17, 2008.
Long-Term Ferry Funding Study Information
The link below will take you to the final Long-Term Ferry Funding Study Report which contains the final findings and recommendations of the Commission’s study.
Long-Term Ferry Funding Study Final Report (pdf 810 kb)
This presentation was given at the Joint House and Senate Transportation Committee meeting on Monday, March 2, 2009. It summarizes the findings and recommendations contained in the final report.
Final Presentation on Long-Term Ferry Funding Study (pdf 190 kb)
This presentation was given to the Transportation Commission at their February 17/18 meeting in Olympia. It summarizes the final findings and recommendations of the study
Summary of Final Findings and Recommendations (pdf 178 kb)
This presentation was given to the Transportation Commission on November 18th at their meeting in Olympia. It provides an overview and summary of the content contained in the full preliminary report (listed below).
Summary Presentation of Preliminary Report (pdf 105 kb)
The link below will take you to the full preliminary report. This report is a prelude to the final report for this study that will be released in early February. This report discusses the funding options reviewed, the baseline funding needs of the ferry system, and a discussion on possible baseline funding scenarios.
Preliminary Report (pdf 562 kb)
This presentation provides an overview of the study, a listing of possible long-term funding sources for ferries, and presents the potential funding structure that is emerging as of September 2008.
September 2008 Update on Long-Term Ferry Funding Study (pdf 272 kb)
Below is an Executive Summary and full report that was submitted to the Transportation Commission on July 16th at their meeting in Olympia. This report provides a summary of the key findings of the initial screening of possible long-term funding sources for Washington State Ferries. Detail is provided on the characteristics and mechanisms of the various sources, as well as the numerous assumptions that have been made to facilitate initial estimations of revenue generation potential for each source.
- Executive Summary (pdf 257 kb)
- Full Report (pdf 357 kb)
The presentation below was made to the Commission at their July 16th meeting in Olympia by Cambridge Systematics. It provides a summary overview of the above report.
Presentation on Initial Screening of Funding Sources (pdf 562 kb)
The presentation below was made to the Commission at their May 21, 2008 meeting by Cambridge Systematics. The presentation goes over the Phase 2 work plan and schedule, and give a status update on work completed or underway on the study.
May 2008 Presentation – Phase 2 overview and study update (pdf 51 kb)
The document below is a discussion paper that lays out the proposed screening criteria the Commission will use to reduce the current long list of possible funding sources for ferries (included in this paper) to a short list of viable funding options. Once the shorter list of funding options is determined, the Commission will work with its consultant in analyzing each of them and determining how well each may serve as a long-term, stable funding source for ferries.
Funding options & evaluation process (pdf 154 kb)
Phase 1 of this study is now completed and the report below represents the work that was completed in this phase. The Commission is awaiting further direction from the Legislature and Governor on what Phase II of this study will entail and cover.
Phase 1 Report on Long-Term Ferry Funding Study (pdf 714 kb)
(Note: Please check back periodically as more information and details will continue to be posted on the study.)
WSF Funding & Planning Commission Team
To ensure the Commission is able to focus and remain fully engaged throughout the course of this effort, the Commission appointed four of its members to serve on a team that is responsible for overseeing the detailed implementation of this funding study as well as other WSF matters the Commission is overseeing. The members of this Commission Team are as follows:
- Dick Ford, Lead
- Bob Distler
- Dan O’Neal
- Philip Parker
Long-Term Ferry Funding Workgroup
To ensure the survey stays in synch with other critical work underway by the Legislature, Governor’s Office and WSDOT, an advisory team has been created by the Commission which is made up of representatives from key governmental agencies. The role of the advisory team will be to provide overall guidance and input into the study which will include participating in periodic review meetings with the commission team and consultant as the study progresses.
The members of the Advisory Team are as follows:
- Members of the Commission’s WSF Funding & Planning Team (listed above)
- Staff members from the Governor’s Office
- Staff members from each of the Transportation Committees (House and Senate)
- Staff member from the Joint Transportation Committee
- WSF/ WSDOT staff
- Commission staff
2007 Ferry Fare Fact Sheet (pdf 20 kb)
This fact sheet outlines the latest budgetary numbers related to WSF’s operating and capital program and identifies the role fares play in funding ferry service.