Inland Northwest Regional Transportation Summit

The Inland Northwest Regional Transportation Summit was a great success thanks to the hard work of Commissioners, Commission staff and many WSDOT staff. The Final Report on the Summit is provided below and serves as a summary of the proceedings.

Inland Northwest Regional Transportation Summit Report – Summary of Proceedings (pdf 246 kb)

The Commission was asked by Governor Gregoire to provide funding options for the North Spokane Corridor project. This report responds to that request and provides funding analysis and estimates on possible revenue streams for this project.

US 395 Funding Report to Governor (pdf 4 mb)

A road running through the grassy hills of the Spokane RegionOn September 19–20, individuals representing government, business, and community groups from the Greater Spokane economic region, including Northern Idaho and the Palouse, will converge for the Inland Northwest Regional Transportation Summit at the Spokane Convention Center. The Summit will set the stage for rural and urban leaders from the Inland Northwest to come together and discuss opportunities that lie before the region and work collaboratively in identifying transportation and economic development goals for the present and future.