2021 Toll Rate Setting – SR 16 Tacoma Narrows Bridge

The Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) is preparing to make toll rate changes on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (TNB). Key information is provided below on what the WSTC is considering and why, what the next steps and schedule is, and how you can provide comments and get involved.

What’s happening with toll rates on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?

A one-time toll rate increase has been planned since 2018 as part of a Legislative effort to bring toll rate stability to the TNB and mitigate escalating annual debt payments over time. To this end, the plan establishes intent for the Legislature to provide loans totaling up to $85 million to the TNB through 2030, with toll revenues expected to pay off the loans. The proposed 25-cent rate increase is expected to be the final increase between 2021 – 2030, assuming the Legislature continues to provide the loans as planned.

Toll Rate Proposal

The WSTC is proposing the following toll rate increase for the TNB to cover debt payments, operations and maintenance costs. The increase will take effect October 1, 2021.

  • Good To Go! pass rate would increase from $5 to $5.25
  • Toll booth rate would increase from $6 to $6.25
  • Pay By Mail rate would increase from $7 to $7.25

View proposed regulatory amendments to implement this proposal.

How to provide comments

The WSTC is currently gathering public input on its toll rate change proposal indicated above. If you would like to comment, you can do so by using the Feedback Form , or you can email your comments to transc@wstc.wa.gov. Input will be gathered through August 16, 2021.

Sign-Up to testify at August 24th Final Hearing

The WSTC will hold its final hearing on August 24th at 10 a.m. where it is expected they will vote to adopt toll rate changes, effective October 1, 2021.

If you would like to testify at the hearing, you will need to register for the hearing and sign-up to testify. Those signed up to testify will be called on individually during the public testimony portion of the hearing.

What is the schedule for the 2021 toll rate setting process?

The process and schedule is outlined below, with new toll rates anticipated to be in effect beginning October 1, 2021.

  • June 25 – July 14: Public input is gathered on the WSTC selected toll rate options
  • July 20: After considering public input, the WSTC issues formal proposed toll rates for further public comment through mid-August
  • August 24: The WSTC holds public hearing to adopt final toll rates.
  • October 1, 2021: New toll rates take effect