SR 99 Tunnel Toll Rates and Policies

As directed by the Legislature, tolling on the SR 99 tunnel is expected to raise revenues to fund $200 million of construction costs, and to fund on-going operations and maintenance. Tolling also helps manage congestion on the SR 99 corridor, particularly with tolls varying by time of day.

Current SR 99 Tunnel Toll Rate Schedule

All rates in the table below are for two axle vehicles. Rates increase per each additional axle, which can be found in the WAC 468-270-073.

Public buses, vanpools, emergency responder vehicles, highway maintenance vehicles, school buses, and qualified private buses are exempt from tolls in the tunnel, as identified in the WAC 468-270-085.

Toll Rate Hours Good to Go! Pass Pay By Mail Pay By Plate
Footnote 3 Footnote 1 Footnote 1 Footnote 1&2
Midnight – 6am $1.20 $3.20 $1.45
6am – 7am $1.50 $3.50 $1.75
7am – 9am $1.80 $3.80 $2.05
9am – 3pm $1.50 $3.50 $1.75
3pm – 6pm $2.70 $4.70 $2.95
6pm – 11pm $1.50 $3.50 $1.75
11pm – Midnight $1.20 $3.20 $1.45
Weekends $1.20 $3.20 $1.45


  1. The rates for electronic tolls have been rounded to the nearest five cents, as needed.
  2. For this payment method, the customer is charged the Good To Go! Pass toll plus a $0.25 fee as provided in WAC 468-270-300.
  3. The weekend rates will be assessed on the days on which holidays are observed:

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.