Route Jurisdiction Transfer Program

The Transportation Commission receives and reviews petitions from cities, counties, or the Department of Transportation requesting any addition or deletion from the state highway system.  The Transportation Commission manages the request and provides a complete evaluation and assessment of the request.  Once a thorough evaluation is completed, the Transportation Commission provides its final findings of recommendation to the Senate and House Transportation Committees prior to a legislative session.  The Legislature will codify jurisdictional transfers if it accepts the Transportation Commission’s recommendation.  Jurisdictional Transfers RCW 47.01.425


NOTE: The Commission adopted Resolution No. 751 placing a moratorium on the consideration of any route jurisdiction transfer requests until January 2027 to allow for the completion of the current Route Jurisdiction Study and Legislative deliberation on its findings and recommendations.

Route Jurisdiction Transfer Process Overview

The process for considering route jurisdiction transfer requests take approximately 12 months to complete.  The key steps in the process are:

  • February – April:  A technical assessment and analysis of the transfer request is conducted and preliminary findings determined.
  • May – July:  Public input on preliminary findings is gathered from interested parties.
  • August – September:  Possible public hearing held.
  • September – December:  Transportation Commission issues final determination and recommendation, and drafts a bill for the upcoming legislative session.

A detailed overview of the route jurisdiction transfer process & timeline can be found here (pdf 94kb)

Chapter 468-710 WAC – Route Jurisdiction transfer rules, regulations and requirements

468-710-010 Purpose and authority

468-710-020 Definitions

468-710-030 Criteria for rural and urban highway routes

468-710-040 Requesting a route jurisdiction transfer

468-710-050 Annual cutoff date for jurisdiction transfer requests

468-710-060 Additional public testimony for consideration of jurisdiction transfer requests

68-710-070 Review and comment period

68-710-080 Notice and report of final finding

Approved Route Jurisdiction Transfers

2009: State Route 908

2010: State Route 527

2023: State Route 501

Deferred Route Jurisdiction Transfers

2023: Snoqualmie Parkway