Washington State Transportation Commission Meeting Agenda – July 25, 2017

Kent City Hall
Council Chambers
220 4th Avenue South, Kent WA

Please note: All listed times are estimates only and the Commission reserves the right to move agenda items as needed.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Item 1: 8:30 am

Chairman Welcome and Introductions

Item 2: 8:35

Commission Business

  • Approval of June 20, 2017 meeting summary – Action

Item 3: 8:40

Transportation 101

Presenter: Paul Parker, Deputy Director, WSTC

An overview of the fiscal and policy framework of the statewide transportation system.

Transportation 101 (pdf 1 mb)

Item 4: 8:55

South King County Transportation

Presenter: Carol Benson, Chair, South King County Transportation Board

Item 5: 9:05

City Transportation Issues, Challenges, and Successes

Presenters: Suzette Cooke, Mayor, City of Kent
Nancy Backus, Mayor, City of Auburn
Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director, Public Works, City of Auburn
Desiree Winkler, Deputy Director, Public Works, City of Federal Way
Linda Johnson, City Councilwoman, City of Maple Valley
Les Burberry, City Councilman, City of Maple Valley
Laura Philpot, City Manager, City of Maple Valley
Michael Matthias, City Manager, City of Des Moines

Information and perspectives  on transportation from cities in south King County.
Kent Station Access Improvements (pdf 3 mb)
City of Auburn (pdf 3 mb)
City of Federal Way (pdf 1 mb)

Break: 10:10

Item 6: 10:25

County Transportation Issues, Challenges and Successes

Presenter: Harold Taniguchi, Director, King County Department of Transportation

Information and perspectives on transportation from King County.

Regional Transportation Systems (pdf 1 mb) 

Item 7: 10:50

Public Transportation Issues, Challenges and Successes

Presenters: Chris O’Claire, Assistant General Manager, Planning & Customer Service, King County Metro
Don Billen, Deputy Director, Capital Projects Development, Sound Transit

Information on transit, special needs transportation, light rail and commuter rail service in south King County.

King County Metro Transit (pdf 536 kb)
Sound Transit (pdf 2 mb)

Item 8: 11:20

WSDOT Regional Projects and Perspectives

Presenter: Lorena Eng, Northwest Region Administrator, WSDOT

State transportation facilities and programs, from highways to rail, are essential to mobility, livability, and emergency response.

WSDOT Perspectives and Challenges (pdf 678 kb)

Lunch Break: 11:45

Item 9: 1:00 pm

Sea-Tac International Airport Expansion Update

Presenters: Eric ffitch, State Government Relations Manager, Port of Seattle
Tom Hooper, Senior Planner, Aviation Division, Port of Seattle

Sea-Tac International Airport is one of the fastest-growing major airports in the nation.  An expansion plan under development will increase capacity, including more gates and terminal space, and restructuring passenger pick-up and drop-off.

SAMP (pdf 1 mb)

Item 10: 1:25

Washington Aviation System Plan

Presenter: Rob Hodgman, Senior Aviation Planner, Aviation Division, WSDOT

The Statewide Aviation System Plan is nearly complete.  It is a building block for the long-range statewide transportation plan (WTP) update.

WA Aviation System Plan (pdf 1 mb)

Item 11: 1:50

Building The Gateway Project

Presenters: Mike Rigsby, Principal Project Manager, Senior Vice-President, Administrator, WSP
Omar Jepperson, SR 509 Project Manager, WSDOT

Puget Sound Gateway Program (pdf 1 mb)

Item 12: 2:15

The Big Picture: Transportation, Land Use, and Economic Vitality

Presenter: Josh Brown, Executive Director, Puget Sound Regional Council

Transportation planning and finance is integrally linked with land use and economic development in Central Puget Sound, one of the fastest growing regions in the nation.  Kent and south King County, the home to several regional growth centers and manufacturing industrial centers, will see continued population and employment growth.

WSTC PSRC (pdf 2 mb)

Break: 2:40

Item 13: 2:50

Economic Development & Transportation

Presenter: Georgette Reidburn, Business and Marketing Analyst, Northwest Seaport Alliance
Sheri Call, Executive Vice President, Washington Trucking Association

Transportation is essential to the economy in Kent and south King County, home to major warehouse and distribution networks.  Industry leaders will discuss the impact of local and state policies on goods movement to and from the Pacific Northwest.

Northwest Seaport Alliance (pdf 1 mb)

Item 14: 3:45

Building Community and Multimodal Connections at Light Rail Commuter Train Stations

Presenters: Barbara Smith, Executive Director, Kent Downtown Partnership
Charlene Anderson, Manager, Long-Range Planning, City of Kent
Karen Kitsis, Director, High Capacity Transit Corridor, Sound Transit
Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner, King County Metro

Kent Improvement Sound Transit (pdf 897 kb)

Item 15: 4:40

Public Comment

Item 16: 4:50

Meeting Reflections and Next Steps

Adjourn: 5:00


(The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item during the Commission Meeting and may make adjustments to the order of the agenda items as well as the time of adjournment.)

All Transportation Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the event sponsor (Commission Office at (360) 705-7070). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is WSTC’s policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7082.