The Transportation Commission meets eleven times per year. Seven of those meetings are held in Olympia and four meetings are held in cities around the state. Meetings in Olympia are web cast live via TVW by selecting live programing and live webcasts.
View previous Commission agendas and materials.
2019 Meeting Schedule
Olympia meetings are typically 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
January 23-24
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 119 kb)
February 20-21
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 443 kb)
March 19-20
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 145 kb)
April 16
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 375 kb)
May 14 & 15
Okanogan County
The Commission will tour the county for two days and will hold meetings in two different cities.
Two-Day Okanogan Tour Itinerary (pdf 102 kb)
May 14 – Twisp
TwispWorks Bldg #9
502 S Glover
Twisp WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 135 kb)
May 15 – Omak
Omak City Hall
2 N Ash Street
Omak WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 135 kb)
June 18-19
Norm Dicks Government Center
345 6th Street Suite 100
Bremerton, WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 102 kb)
July 16-17
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 137 kb)
August 6
Special Meeting 10 am-12 pm
Final Hearing on Ferry Fare Proposal & Policy Changes
Puget Sound Regional Council
Council Hearing Room
1011 Western Ave, Suite 500
Seattle WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials (pdf 114 kb)
Meeting Summary (pdf 79 kb)
September 16-17
Skamania Lodge
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 119 kb)
TVW Live Webcast
October 15-16
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 176 kb)
November 19-20
Federal Way City Council
33325 8th Ave. South
Federal Way, WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 166 kb)
December 17-18
WSDOT HQ Building
Nisqually Conf Room
310 Maple Park Ave SE
Olympia WA
Agenda & Meeting Materials
Meeting Summary (pdf 175 kb)