Meeting Agenda – January 17-18, 2024

Virtual Meeting Agenda – Olympia, Washington

For those unable to attend the meeting virtually, the commission will offer viewing accommodation in its office building at 2404 Chandler Court SW, Olympia, WA, 98502.

Virtual meeting attendance requires registration:

Meetings are webcast live on TVW


Public Notice 

The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.

Those wishing to offer comments can do so during the public comment period virtually, after registration online. To sign up for virtual comment, using the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting, please indicate your name and that you would like to provide comments. Written comments can also be submitted via email at:

If you plan to engage in this meeting from your car, we encourage you to do so while parked.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 1: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Debbie Young, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 2: 9:05

Local Transportation Partners: A Look Ahead at 2024 Legislative Priorities

Presenters: Axel Swanson, Managing Director, Washington Association of County Engineers
Brandy DeLange
, Government Relations Advocate, Association of Washington Cities
Chris Herman
, Senior Director, Washington Public Ports Association
Justin Leighton, Executive Director, Washington State Transit Association

Most trips involve city streets and county roads, including significant freight movement, which may begin and end in ports. And public transportation is a vital link in our statewide transportation system. Transportation partners will highlight their fiscal and policy priorities for the 2024 Legislative Session.

Washington Association of County Engineers  (pdf 1.2mb)
Association of Washington Cities  (pdf 448kb)
Washington State Transit Association  (pdf 1.4mb)

Item 3: 10:00

Governor’s Transportation Budget

Presenter: Erik Hansen, Senior Budget Assistant, Office of Financial Management

The Commission will be briefed on the Governor’s proposed 2024 Supplemental Transportation Budget.

Governor’s Transportation Budget  (pdf 334kb)

Item 4: 10:15

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Update

Presenter: Aaron Halbert, Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

An update will be provided on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (TNB) loan assessment as required under current law.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Update  (pdf 395kb)

Item 5: 10:30

Toll Facility Financial Update – SR 520 Sufficiency Analysis

Presenters: Jason Richter, Deputy Treasurer, Washington State Office of the State Treasurer
Mike Fay, Administrative Risk Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation
Ed Barry, Director, Tolling Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

The State’s SR 520 Master Bond Resolution requires WSDOT and the Office of State Treasurer to confirm the sustainability of toll rates on the SR 520 Bridge, in consideration of future toll-setting needs. An updated sufficiency assessment will be presented, along with next steps.

SR 520 Tolling Update  (pdf 205kb)
SR 520 Insurance  (pdf 163kb)

Item 6: 11:00

I-405/SR 167 Financial Plan Update

Presenters: Lisa Hodgson, I-405/SR 167 Program Administrator, Washington State Department of Transportation
Jason Richter
, Deputy Treasurer, Washington State Office of the State Treasurer

The Commission will be briefed on the updated I-405 / SR 167 Corridor Financial Plan that addresses current funding needs, as requested by the Legislature. This will include review of potential alternatives for delivering legislatively planned projects for the corridor.

I-405/SR 167 Financial Plan Update  (pdf 447kb)
Office of the State Treasurer I-405/SR 167 Financial Plan Update  (pdf 480kb)

Item 7: 11:30

Via – Providing MicroTransit Solutions

Presenter: Jeremy Tillunger, Policy and Government Affairs Principal, Via
Alexandra Mather, Government Relations Administrator, Pierce Transit

Via operates microtransit services and is conducting several projects across Washington. Microtransit services help to support livable cities and increase access to vital services for all, including underserved communities. An overview will be provided on Via’s services in Washington state.

Via Microtransit  (pdf 1.6mb)
Pierce Transit-Via Partner Update  (pdf 442kb)

Lunch: 12:00 p.m.

Item 8: 1:00

WSDOT Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Mike Gribner, Assistant Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

An update will be provided on Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) activities.

Item 9: 1:15

Washington Transportation Plan (WTP) & West Coast Transportation Network Scoping Study – Update

Presenter: Jonathan Overman, Senior Associate, Cambridge Systematics

The Commission has begun its effort to update the Washington Transportation Plan, which sets forth a 20-year vision and plan for the entire state, including all jurisdictions and transportation modes. The Commission is also carrying out a scoping effort to determine how a future West Coast Transportation Network Plan could be developed between the three West Coast states. An update will be provided on these efforts along with reviewing the schedule and outreach plans going forward.

Washington Transportation Plan Study (pdf 411kb)

Item 10: 1:30

Statewide Route Jurisdiction Study

Presenter: Rob Fellows, Project Manager, WSP USA

The Commission is conducting a route jurisdiction study aimed at assessing the current state highway system to determine if changes are needed in jurisdictional assignments between the state, counties and cities. An update will be provided on the project and the outreach plan and schedule will be reviewed.

Statewide Route Jurisdiction Study  (pdf 672kb)

Item 11: 1:55

Commission Business

Presenter: Aaron Halbert, Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

  • December Meeting Summary
  • Tolling Proviso Streamlining Update – January

Break: 2:05

Item 12: 2:15

Columbia River I-5 Bridge Replacement Program Update

Presenter: Frank Green, Assistant Program Administrator, Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, Washington State Department of Transportation
Brent Baker, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, WSP USA

An update will be provided on the Columbia River I-5 Bridge Replacement Program, outreach efforts, toll traffic and revenue study analysis updates, and next steps.

Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (pdf 958kb)

Item 13: 3:00

I-5 Bridge Bi-State Tolling Agreement – ACTION

Presenter: Carl See, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

In preparation for the setting of toll rates and policies for the I-5 Bridge over the Columbia River, current law requires the establishment of a bi-state Tolling Agreement between the Washington and Oregon Transportation Commissions. The draft bi-state agreement will be presented for consideration of adoption.

1-5 Bridge Bi-State Tolling Agreement  (pdf 130kb)

Item 14: 3:15

Stakeholder Perspectives on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Targets

Presenters: Charles Prestrud, Director, Coles Center for Transportation, Washington Policy Center
Brandy DeLange, Government Relations Advocate, Association of Washington Cities
Marc Daily, Executive Director, Thurston Regional Planning Council

Work is underway at the state level to establish targets for reducing the miles we drive, or vehicle miles traveled (VMT.) Perspectives from key stakeholders will be provided regarding impacts, considerations, and implications of measuring the miles driven at state, regional and local levels.

VMT Reduction Targets (pdf 318kb)
Vehicle Miles Traveled Targets  (pdf 105kb)
Vehicle Miles Traveled Reductions (pdf 256kb)


Recess: 4:00


Thursday, January 18, 2024 – Reconvene Day 2

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 15: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Debbie Young, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 16: 9:05

Commission Business

  • Session Update

Item 17: 9:20

WSDOT Project Prioritization

Presenter:  Karena Houser, Director of Multimodal Planning and Data, Washington State Department of Transportation

Since 2022, WSDOT has been working on developing a new project prioritization model to identify the investments that best support Washington’s statutory transportation system policy goals. The model provides information to inform future decisions by WSDOT, the Governor and the Legislature regarding which proposed transportation investments to prioritize for new revenue, such as federal grant applications or state legislative funding packages. This presentation will provide an update on the development of this model.

WSDOT Project Prioritization  (pdf 450kb)

Item 18: 9:50

UW Star Lab – Innovations in Smart Infrastructure and AI

Presenter: Yinhai Wang, Director of Pac Trans and STAR Lab, University Washington

Founded in 2003, the University of Washington’s Smart Transportation Applications & Research (STAR) Lab has been a national leader exploring effective solutions for a safe, efficient, and intelligent transportation systems. Recent work of STAR Lab, including research in the areas of traffic sensing, smart infrastructure, and artificial intelligence-powered predictive maintenance, will be discussed.

University of Washington STAR Lab  (pdf 4.7mb)

Break: 10:35

Item 19: 10:50

Public Comment

To sign up for public comment, please put your name and interest in the Q&A box found on screen during the meeting.

Item 20: 11:05

Commission Business

  • Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 11:30


Next Meeting:

January 29, 2024 – Final Hearing, I-405/SR 167 Toll Rate Setting – Virtual



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:  Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by the Commission Office at 360-705-7070 or Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is the Washington State Transportation Commission’s (WSTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR). For additional information please contact OECR’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7090.