Meeting Agenda – January 18-19, 2023

Virtual Meeting Agenda – Olympia, Washington


Public Notice 

The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.

Those wishing to offer comments can do so during the public comment period. Using the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting, please indicate that you would like to provide comments and include your name. Written comments can also be submitted via email at:

If you plan to engage in this meeting from your car, we encourage you to do so while parked.


Wednesday,  January 18, 2023

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 1: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 2: 9:05

Columbia River I-5 Bridge Replacement Program Update

Presenter: Frank Green, Assistant Program Administrator, Washington State Department of Transportation

Staff with the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program will provide an update on the Columbia River I-5 Bridge Replacement Project, outreach efforts, and next steps.

Interstate Bridge Replacement Program  (pdf 675kb)

Item 3: 10:00

Next-Gen Tolling Technology – Moving Beyond the Transponder

Presenter: Francisco Torrealba, Chief Executive Officer, Blissway

Blissway will discuss its new tolling technology that removes the need for transponders, eliminates highway toll gantries, increases toll collection, and improves enforcement, while utilizing wireless, solar-powered roadside technology.

Next-Gen Tolling Technology  (pdf 3mb)

Break: 10:45

Item 4: 11:00

Local Transportation Partners: A Look Ahead at 2023 Legislative Priorities

Presenters: Axel Swanson, Managing Director, Washington Association of County Engineers
Brandy DeLange
, Government Relations Advocate, Association of Washington Cities
Chris Herman
, Senior Director, Washington Public Ports Association

Most trips involve city streets and county roads, including significant freight movement which may begin and end in ports. And public transportation is a vital link in our statewide transportation system. Transportation partners will highlight their fiscal and policy priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session.

A Look Ahead – 2023 Legislative Priorities  (pdf 1180kb)
City Transportation Priorities  (pdf 535kb)

Lunch: 12:00 p.m.

Item 5: 1:00

State Transportation Agency Partners: A Look Ahead at 2023 Legislative Priorities

Presenters: Ashley Probart, Executive Director, Transportation Improvement Board
Jane Wall
, Executive Director, County Road Administration Board

State agency partners will share their fiscal and policy priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session.

State Transportation Agency Partners  (pdf 2mb)

Item 6: 2:00

Hood River Bridge Traffic & Revenue Study – Approval of Eight (8) Alternatives – ACTION

Presenter: Timothy Boesch, AICP PMP, Principal and Senior Project Manager, CDM Smith

The Transportation Commission is conducting a study to assess the potential for toll revenues to support the funding of a new Hood River Bridge, which is operated by the Port of Hood River. A briefing will be provided on eight (8) alternatives to be moved forward by the Commission.

Hood River Bridge Tolling Study (pdf 438kb)

Break: 2:45

Item 7: 3:00

Multimodal Transportation Needs and Strategies Along State Route 167 Corridor

Presenter: April Delchamps, Planning Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation

The SR 167 Master Plan, which started in fall 2021 and is anticipated to be completed in 2023, will analyze existing and future conditions, incorporating information from public and stakeholder engagement, to identify near, medium, and long-term multimodal transportation needs and strategies along the SR 167. This presentation will provide an update on progress to date.

SR 167 Master Plan  (pdf 1.7mb)

Item 8: 3:30

Update on the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission’s Work

Presenter: Robert Hodgman, Transportation Planning Specialist, Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission

In 2019, the Legislature created the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (CACC) and charged them with producing a plan to meet Washington’s projected aviation system, both commercial and passenger, capacity needs. They will present their latest findings and discuss next steps in their ongoing planning process to recommend a preferred expansion location recommendation by June 2023.

Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission  (pdf 688kb)

Item 9: 4:00

Washington State Freight Plan

Presenters: Ron Pate, Director of Rail Freight Rail and Port Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Wenjuan Zhao
, Multimodal Freight Systems Planning Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation

The Washington Freight System Plan examines all modes of freight movement — including trucks, airplanes, rail, barges and cargo ships. WSDOT updates this plan every five years and will discuss their just-completed 2022 update.

Washington State Freight Plan (pdf 784kb)

Recess: 5:00


Thursday, January 19, 2023 – Reconvene Day 2

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 10: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 11: 9:05

Commission Business

  • December Meeting Summary
  • 2023 Virtual Meeting Schedule – ACTION
  • 2023 Legislative Session Overview
  • Initiate Route Jurisdiction Transfer Process & Appoint Subcommittee: City of Snoqualmie Requesting to Transfer Snoqualmie Parkway to WSDOT – ACTION

Item 12: 10:00

Highway 20 Naming – ACTION

Presenter: Arnie Marchand, American Legion, Hodges Post No. 84

Members of the American Legion, Hodges Post No. 84 in Oroville, WA, have proposed naming SR 20 within Okanogan County the “Vietnam War Veterans’ Memorial Highway”

Item 13: 10:15

Governor’s Supplemental Transportation Budget

Presenter: Erik Hansen, Senior Budget Assistant, Office of Financial Management

The Commission will be briefed on the Governor’s proposed 2023 Supplemental Transportation Budget and priorities for WSDOT in 2023. Information will also be provided on the Department of Transportation’s budget that is included in the Governor’s budget.

Governor’s Supplemental Transportation Budget (pdf 330kb)

Break: 11:00

Item 14: 11:15

Tolling Facility Financial Update

Presenter: Carl See, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Commission staff will provide an overview of Tacoma Narrows Bridge (TNB) loan assessment results and will review the current timeline for receiving annual financial plan updates on each toll facility.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Update  (pdf 518kb)

Item 15: 11:45

Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Amy Scarton, Deputy Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 16: 12:00 p.m.

Public Comment

To sign-up for public comment, please put your name and interest in the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting.

Item 17: 12:15

Commission Business

  • Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 12:30


Next Meeting:

February 15-16, 2023 – Olympia, WA – Virtual



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:  Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by the Commission Office at 360-705-7070 or Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.


Title VI Notice to Public

It is the Washington State Transportation Commission’s (WSTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR). For additional information please contact OECR’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7090.