Meeting Agenda – December 13-14, 2022

Virtual Meeting Agenda – Olympia, Washington


Public Notice 

The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.

Those wishing to offer comments can do so during the public comment period either in-person or virtually, after registering online. To sign up for virtual comment, using the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting, indicate your name and that you would like to provide comments. Written comments can also be submitted via email at:

If you plan to engage in this meeting from your car, we encourage you to do so while parked.

Meetings are webcast live on TVW

Tuesday,  December 13, 2022

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 1: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 2: 9:05

Safety on Our Roadways: Update on Target Zero

Presenters: Shelly Baldwin, Director, Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Max Roberts
, Research Associate, Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Mark McKechnie
, External Relations Director, Washington Traffic Safety

The Traffic Safety Commission will give an overview of the latest traffic safety data and new traffic fatality rate dashboards. Information will also be provided about recent equity efforts and .05 blood alcohol research.

Traffic Fatality Data Overview  (pdf 900kb)
Inequities in Driver Education  (pdf 371kb)

Item 3: 9:40

IIHS Report: Impacts of Driver Assist Vehicle Technology

Presenter: Alexandra Mueller, Research Scientist, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

IIHS recently published a study on three vehicle owner populations (GM Cadillac, Nissan/Infiniti, and Tesla). They surveyed drivers within each population who regularly use the partial (Level 2) driving automation equipped in their vehicles. This presentation will present findings of driver habits, attitudes, and expectations.

Impacts of Driver Assist Vehicles  (pdf 6mb)

Break: 10:20

Item 4: 10:30

Road Usage Charge Update and 2023 Legislative Recommendations – ACTION

Presenter: Travis Dunn, Project Manager, CDM Smith

The Transportation Commission has been researching and testing Road Usage Charging (RUC) since 2011. An update will be provided on the research program, findings, and activities including an overview of a RUC pilot and simulation currently underway. Members of the RUC Steering Committee will offer brief comments and draft recommendations for the 2023 Legislative session will be discussed.

Road Usage Charge Update  (pdf 2mb)

Item 5: 11:30

Tolling Equity Programs Across the US

Presenters: Lacy Vong, Senior Project Manager, Tolling & Emerging Mobility Solutions,
Cherie Gibson
, Public Engagement & Communications Director, HNTB
Samantha Soules
, Northern California Practice Leader, HNTB

An overview will be provided on the latest approaches to achieving relief for low-income drivers and increasing equity in tolling from across the US.

Implementing Toll Equity Programs  (pdf 708kb)

Lunch: 12:15 p.m.

Item 6: 1:00

Performance & Financial Update on Washington’s Tolled Facilities

Presenter: Ed Barry, Director of Tolling, Washington State Department of Transportation

An overview will be provided on the latest approaches to achieving relief for low-income drivers and increasing equity in tolling from across the US.

Toll Facilities Traffic & Revenue Update  (pdf 745kb)

Item 7: 1:30

Update: State Transportation Revenue Forecast

Presenters: Doug Vaughn, Chief Financial Officer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Ed Barry
, Director of Tolling, Washington State Department of Transportation
Todd Lamphere
, Director Finance and Administration, Washington State Ferries

The latest quarterly transportation revenue forecast results were released in November 2022. An overview of the forecast will be provided with a focus on toll and ferry fare revenues.

Transportation Revenue Forecast  (pdf 262kb)
Toll Facilities Traffic & Revenue Forecast (pdf 288kb)
WSF Revenue Forecast (pdf 364kb)

Item 8: 2:00

Ferry Riders Opinion Group (FROG) Survey Results

Presenters: Chelsea Benning, Director, Design and Analysis, Pacific Market Research
Bill Young
, WSTC Survey Program Project Manager, Research Assurance

Key findings from the 2022 Summer Ferry Rider’s Opinion Group (FROG) survey will be presented, which gathered feedback from over 6,000 ferry riders regarding their travel behavior and frequency between June and September 2022.

Ferry Riders Opinion Group 2022 Summer Survey Results (pdf 1.5mb)

Item 9: 2:50

Ferry Fuel Surcharge Public Forum Results

Presenters: Reema Griffith, Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Aaron Halbert
, Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

In November, the Commission held an Online Public Input Forum on utilizing a fuel surcharge for the state ferry system to temporarily address ferry fuel costs that exceed the budget. Key findings from the forum will be presented.

Ferry Fuel Surcharge Online Public Input Forum Results  (pdf 266kb)

Item 10: 3:15

National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Vision Zero and Safety Peer Network

Presenter: Jenny O’Connell, Senior Program Manager, NACTO

Building capacity for cities to design safer streets is a core tenet of NACTO’s mission. This briefing will discuss opportunities for peer exchange and developing guidance to foster safer streets through NACTO’s Vision Zero and Safety peer network.

National Association of City Transportation Officials  (pdf 3mb)

Item 11: 4:00

Hood River Bridge Traffic & Revenue Study

Presenter: Timothy Boesch, AICP PMP, Principal and Senior Project Manager, CDM Smith

The Transportation Commission is conducting a study to assess the potential for toll revenues to support the funding of a new Hood River Bridge, which is operated by the Port of Hood River. A briefing will be provided on the study schedule, scope and work underway.

Hood River Bridge Traffic & Revenue Study  (pdf 1mb)

Recess: 5:00


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – Reconvene Day 2

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 12: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 13: 9:05

Commission Business

Presenters: Reema Griffith, Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Carl See, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Paula Reeves, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

  • November Meeting Summary
  • Annual Report Update-ACTIONPaula Reeves
  • WSTC Tolling Report & Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Report Update-ACTIONCarl See
  • PUBLIC NOTICE: Pending Highway Naming Request to name SR 20 in Okanogan County the “Vietnam War Veterans’ Memorial Highway” – Reema Griffith

Item 14: 10:00

Downtown Bothell – Implementing Community Vision

Presenter: Erin Leonhart, Public Works Director, City of Bothell

A briefing will be provided on the 2009 Downtown Bothell Subarea Plan. The Plan envisions public and private investments necessary to revitalize downtown Bothell into a transit-oriented, walkable urban core, including changes to SR 522 and SR 527 that resulted in the Bothell Crossroads and Multiway Boulevard projects.

Downtown Bothell Revitalization  (pdf 5.8mb)

Break: 10:45

Item 15: 11:00

Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Amy Scarton, Deputy Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

An update will be provided on the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) activities and work around the state.

Item 16: 11:15

Public Comment

To comment in-person, please place your name on the sign-up sheet in the meeting room. To sign-up for virtual public comment, please put your name and interest in the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting.

Item 17: 11:30

Commission Business

  • Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 12:00 p.m.


Next Meeting:

January 18 & 19, 2023 – Virtual



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:  Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by the Commission Office at 360-705-7070 or Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.


Title VI Notice to Public

It is the Washington State Transportation Commission’s (WSTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR). For additional information please contact OECR’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7090.



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