Meeting Agenda – March 15-16, 2022

Virtual Meeting Agenda

The two-day meeting will be conducted using Zoom Webinar and requires registration to attend. You will need to register for each day separately:


Meetings are webcast live on

Public Notice 

The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.

Those wishing to offer comments can do so during the public comment period. Using the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting, please indicate that you would like to provide comments and include your name. Written comments can be submitted via email at:

If you plan to engage in this meeting from your car, we encourage you to do so while parked.


Tuesday,  March, 15, 2022

TVW Meeting Recordings – Morning Session & Afternoon Session

Item 1: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 2: 9:05

Tolling Performance & Financial Update

Presenter: Ed Barry, Director, Tolling Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

An overview of the traffic and revenue performance of Washington State toll facilities for October through December 2021 will be provided.

Toll Facilities – Traffic & Revenue Update  (pdf 379kb)

Item 3: 9:25

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Toll System Replacement

Presenter: Jennifer Charlebois, Deputy Director, Tolling Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

An update on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge roadside toll system replacement project will be provided.

TNB Toll Collection System Replacement (pdf 333kb)

Item 4: 9:45

Update: State Transportation Revenue Forecast

Presenters: Doug Vaughn, Chief Financial Officer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Ed Barry
, Director, Tolling Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Rick Singer
, Director, Finance & Administration, Washington State Ferries Washington State Department of Transportation

The latest quarterly transportation revenue forecast results were released on February 16, 2022. An update on the forecast will be provided with a focus on toll and ferry fare revenues.

Transportation Revenue Forecast  (pdf 186lb)
Toll Facilities Traffic & Revenue Forecast (pdf 174kb)
WSF Ridership Fare Trends  (pdf 457kb)

Item 5: 10:15

Implementing Virginia’s Road Usage Charge Program

Presenter: Scott Cummings, Assistant Commissioner for Finance, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles

In July 2022, Virginia will join a growing number of states launching a voluntary road user charge program. An overview of Virginia’s program will be provided along with insights gained through their preparations.

Implementing Virginia RUC (pdf 192kb)

Break: 11:00

Item 6: 11:10

Safety Program for Partially Automated Vehicles

Presenter: Alexandra Mueller, PhD Research Scientist, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

In January the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety announced its ratings program for safeguards used with partially automated vehicles. A briefing will be provided on the types of safeguards these vehicles ought to contain to help drivers fulfill their roles and understand their responsibilities when supported by the partial automation.

IIHS Safety Program – AV  (pdf 23mb)

Lunch: 12:00 p.m.

Item 7: 1:00

Learnings From Cruise’s “Origin” AV Shuttle

Presenter: Carter Stern, Senior Manager, Government Affairs, Cruise LLC

A briefing will be provided on the learnings from the Cruise Origin pilot, and next steps. The Origin is an electric vehicle designed to shuttle up to six passengers and operate without a human driver. Cruise and General Motors as development partners have petitioned the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for approval to build and put the Origin into commercial service.

Cruise Origin AV Shuttle  (pdf 2mb)

Item 8: 1:45

Strategies to Support Human Services Transportation

Presenters: Brian Lagerberg, Director, Public Transportation Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Matthew Kenna
, Transportation Planning Specialist, Public Transportation Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Monica Ghosh
, Transportation Planning Specialist, Public Transportation Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

The Washington State Department of Transportation, community organizations, and people with mobility barriers have been working together to improve statewide mobility for people with special transportation needs. This briefing will review the strategies that resulted from this work, and their implications for future transportation planning.

2021 Statewide Human Services Transportation Plan (pdf 516kb)

Break: 2:30

Item 9: 2:40

Tolling System Performance Audit

Presenter: Erin Catterlin, Senior Performance Auditor, Washington State Auditor’s Office

In 2021, the Legislature directed the State Auditor’s Office to conduct a performance audit of the Washington State Department of Transportation’s effort to replace its electronic toll collection system. This briefing will cover the scope and objectives of this performance audit.

Tolling System Performance Audit  (pdf 1mb)

Item 10: 3:10

Washington State Ferries Fuel Hedging Program

Presenters: Seth Steinhoff, Operating Program Budget Analyst, Washington State Ferries, Washington State Department of Transportation
Matt Hanbey, Operating Program Budget Manager, Washington State Ferries, Washington State Department of Transportation

A briefing will be provided on the FY 2021 Fuel Price Hedging Report to the Legislature. This report provides an overview of the program and FY 2021 activity.

FY21 – Annual Fuel Hedging  (pdf 247kb)


Recess: 3:40


Wednesday, March 16, 2022 – Reconvene Day 2

TVW Meeting Recording

Item 11: 9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 12: 9:05

Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Roger Millar, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

Secretary Millar will provide an update on Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) activities.

Item 13: 9:20

Reconnecting Communities Divided by Highway Infrastructure

Presenters: Regan Patterson, PhD Environmental Justice Consultant, Regan Patterson Consulting
Coté Soerens
, Community Initiatives & Equitable Development, Cultivate South Park
Sandy Williams
, Executive Director, Carl Maxey Center
Betsy Wilkerson
, Spokane City Council Member, Carl Maxey Center Board President

Decisions of the past have left many established neighborhoods impacted by the highways that were built through them, cutting deep trenches in what were previously vibrant communities. Today efforts are under way to begin to rectify the damage caused by such decisions. An overview of the historical context and the impact of these actions will be provided by this panel, who will also share information on some current projects underway to rectify the impacts.

Reconnecting Communities  (pdf 1mb)
Reconnect South Park  (pdf 3.5mb)
5th Avenue Community Strategy  (pdf 492kb)

Item 14: 10:20

Climate & Environmental Justice in Transportation – Community Perspectives

Presenter: Paulo Nunes-Ueno, Transportation & Land Use Policy Lead, Front and Centered

Last year, Front and Centered conducted a survey and a series of listening sessions with members of underrepresented communities to understand perspectives on pressing transportation issues such as climate change, green transportation, and mobility equity. A briefing will be provided on the findings of this effort.

Just Transition in Transportation  (pdf 818kb)

Break: 11:05

Item 15: 11:15

Moovit Mobility App Demonstration

Presenter: Perry Barnett, Partnerships Manager, Moovit

The Moovit mobility app uses both crowdsourced and official public transit data to assist users with route planning across transit modes. A demonstration of this app will be provided, highlighting how technology can be leveraged to assist people with disabilities in navigating their communities with confidence.

Moovit Mobility App (pdf 936kb)

Item 16: 11:45

Public Comment

To sign-up for public comment, please put your name and interest in the Q&A box found on-screen during the meeting.

Item 17: 11:55

Commission Business

– Reflections and Recommendations
– February Meeting Summary
– Overview of 2022 Legislative Session
– Update on Union Gap meeting

Adjourn: 1:00 p.m.


Next Meeting:

April 19 & 20, 2022
Union Gap, WA



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:  Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by the Commission Office at 360-705-7070 or Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is the Washington State Transportation Commission’s (WSTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7090.