Virtual Meeting Agenda
Public Notice
The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of the agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Item 1: 9:00 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission
Item 2: 9:05
Selection of 2021 Toll Rate Proposals for SR 99 Tunnel, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, and SR 520 Bridge – ACTION
Presenters: Reema Griffith, Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Carl See, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Brent Baker, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, WSP USA
The Commission will select its toll rate proposals for each of the three facilities. The selected proposals will be released for further public review and comment ahead of the Commission’s final hearing on August 24, 2021. Toll rate increases are being considered to ensure legal and financial requirements are met.
Online Public Input-Overview (pdf 999kb)
Toll Rate Setting-Updates (pdf 999kb)
Break: 10:30
Item 3: 10:40
2020 Global Traffic Scorecard
Presenters: Bob Pishue, Transportation Analyst, INRIX
Ted Trepanier, Senior Director, Public Sector Services, INRIX
The Commission will be briefed on the INRIX 2020 Global Traffic Scorecard which identifies and ranks congestion and mobility trends in more than 1,000 cities, across 50 countries amid a year that brought unprecedented economic and social disruption due to the onset of COVID-19.
2020 INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard (pdf 2mb)
Item 4: 11:20
Creating an Aerial Highway for Drones
Presenters: Robert Hodgman, Transportation Planning Specialist 5, Aviation Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Robin Toth, Director, Washington’s Aerospace Sector, Washington State Department of Commerce
Michael Healander, CEO, Airspace Link
Unmanned drones are emerging as a delivery mechanism that can relieve road congestion and assist communities with achieving emission reduction goals. The Commission will be briefed on the emerging technology, federal regulations, and actions by other states.
Creating an Aerial Highway for Drones (pdf 219kb)
Airspace Link-Digital Infrastructure for Drone Operations (pdf 12mb)
Lunch: 12:00 p.m.
Item 5: 1:00
ITS America’s 2021 Policy Blueprint
Presenter: Shailen Bhatt, President & CEO, ITS America
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) has published a policy document outlining how technology can transform the US transportation system. The Commission will be briefed on ITS America’s Blueprint for a smart transportation system, which is focused on six main technology areas.
ITS America (pdf 931kb)
Item 6: 2:00
I-405/SR 167 Express Toll Lane Low-Income Tolling Study: Finalizing Recommendations – ACTION
Presenters: Gabor Debreczeni, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Manager, WSP USA
Auden Kaehler, Assistant Vice President, WSP USA
Rob Fellows, Toll Policy and Planning Manager, Tolling Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Brice Montgomery, Special Assistant, Economic Services Administration, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
At the direction of the Legislature, the Commission is leading a study of potential low-income tolling program options for the I-405/SR 167 Express Toll Lanes corridor. The project team will discuss the study’s progress and findings and the Commission will determine its final recommendations for inclusion in the final report to be released later this summer.
I-405/SR 167 Express Toll Lane ow-Income Tolling Study-Findings and Recommendations (pdf 195kb)
Break: 2:45
Item 7: 2:55
Ferry Riders’ Opinion Group: 2021 Winter Performance Survey Results
Presenters: Chelsea Benning, Director, Design and Analysis, Pacific Market Research
Bill Young, CEO, Research Assurance
Findings and results of the 2021 Winter FROG survey will be presented. The survey asked riders for their opinion on Washington State Ferry’s performance from January through March 2021.
2021 WSF Winter Performance Survey (pdf 622kb)
Item 8: 3:35
Update: State Transportation Revenue Forecast
Presenters: Ed Barry, Director, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Ray Deardorf, Senior Planning Manager, Washington State Ferries, Washington State Department of Transportation
Released on June 24, 2021, this briefing will provide an overview of the latest forecast results, specifically addressing tolling traffic volumes and revenue and ferry ridership volumes and revenues.
Transportation Revenue Forecast-Toll Facilities (pdf 541kb)
WSF – June 2021 Ridership and Fare Revenue Forecasts (pdf 182kb)
Recess: 4:30
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Item 9: 9:00 a.m.
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Presenter: Roy Jennings, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission
Item 10: 9:05
Secretary’s Report
Presenter: Roger Millar, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation
Item 11: 9:20
Efforts and Programs to Address Homeless Encampments Located on WSDOT Right of Way
Presenters: Jim Baumgart, Senior Policy Advisor, Governor’s Office
Greg Selstead, Assistant State Maintenance Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation
Carl Schroeder, Deputy Government Relations Director, Association of Washington Cities
Allyson Griffith, Assistant Director, Neighborhood and Community Services, City of Tacoma
Keith Stahley, Assistant City Manager, City of Olympia
In recent years, communities across Washington State have seen the rise of unsheltered living and homelessness. As this crisis increases, so have encampments on public property. The Commission will be briefed on efforts underway by the Governor’s office, WSDOT, and cities, aimed at addressing this crisis.
Homeless Encampments – Governor’s Office (pdf 256kb)
Homeless Encampments-WSDOT (pdf 1mb)
Break: 10:35
Item 12: 10:45
Expanding the I-405/SR 167 Express Toll Lane System: Update on Planned Projects and Financing Approaches
Presenters: Lisa Hodgson, I-405/SR 167 Program Administrator, Washington State Department of Transportation
Ed Barry, Director, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Jason Richter, Deputy Treasurer, Washington State Office of the State Treasurer
In response to the unforeseen impacts created by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 2021 Legislature directed WSDOT to carry out two studies regarding planned expansion of the I-405/SR 167 Express Toll Lanes. The studies will consider possible changes to proposed projects and timelines as well as modifying how the projects are funded and financed. WSDOT will update the Commission on the progress of these studies and address next steps.
I405/SR167 ETL Expansion (pdf 422kb)
Item 13: 11:15
Passenger Rail
Presenters: Charles Hamilton, Co-Executive Director, All Aboard Washington
Patrick Carnahan, Co-Executive Director, All Aboard Washington
Gary Wirt, Vice President, All Aboard Washington
Abe Zumwalt, Director, All Aboard Washington
Luis Moscoso, Government Affairs Director, All Aboard Washington
The Commission will be briefed on efforts happening in other states, aimed at improving passenger rail service. Thoughts on approaches to restoring and enhancing current north/south Amtrak Cascades service as well as expanding service by establishing East-West passenger rail service over the Cascades, will be discussed.
Reviving a Rail Revolution (pdf 647kb)
Item 14: 12:00 p.m.
Commission Business
– Commissioner Reflections and Recommendations
– June Meeting Summary
– Commission’s 70th Anniversary
– Facility Naming Preparations
- Ferry Vessel
- State Route 532 (Stanwood)
– Review Possible 2022 Supplemental Budget Requests – ACTION
– 2021 Meeting In-person/Virtual Plans – ACTION
– Review Possible 2022 Meeting Locations
Adjourn: 1:00
Next Meeting:
September 21 & 22, 2021
Spokane, WA
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information
Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the Commission Office at (360) 705-7070 or Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.
Title VI Notice to Public
It is the Washington State Transportation Commission’s (WSTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7090.
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