Meeting Agenda – July 7, 2020

Virtual Meeting Agenda


Public Notice 

The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item on the agenda, make adjustments to the order of the agenda items, and adjust the time of adjournment as needed.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Item 1: 9:00 a.m.

TVW Live


Presenter: Jerry Litt, Chair, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 2: 9:05

State Transportation Revenue Forecast

Presenters: Doug Vaughn, Chief Finance Officer, Washington State Department of Transportation

Ed Barry, Director, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Ray Deardorf, Senior Planning Manager, Washington State Ferries Division
Washington State Department of Transportation

Released on June 17, 2020, this transportation revenue forecast is the first released since the COVID-19 Pandemic hit Washington State. This briefing will provide an overview of the forecast, as well as specifically addressing the forecasts for tolling traffic volumes and revenue, and ferry ridership volumes and revenues.

State Transportation Overview Revenue Forecast (pdf 304 kb)

Toll Traffic Revenue Forecast Summary (pdf  913 kb)

WSF Revenue Forecast (pdf 339 kb)

Item 3: 9:50

Transformations to Travel in the Post-COVID 19 World

Presenter: Devin Liddell, Principal Futurist, Teague

Teague is a leading design company in Seattle that creates products, services, and experiences from emerging technologies and human aspirations. Its Principal Futurist will share insights into what the future of transportation may look like through the lens of technology, innovation, and the passenger experience.

Transportation Post COVID-19 (pdf 5.9 mb)

Break: 10:20

Item 4: 10:30

The Future of Transportation Post-COVID – Opportunities & Challenges Explored

Panel Moderator: Sabrina Minshall, Executive Director, Spokane Regional Transportation Council

Panel Members: Christine Gregoire, CEO, Challenge Seattle & Former Washington State Governor

Chris Mefford, President & CEO, Community Attributes

Mark Hallenbeck, Director, Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), University of Washington

Susan Shaheen, Ph.D., Director, Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative,
University of California Institute of Transportation Studies & Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley

Major disruptions lead to opportunities for change and improvements – but where and how should these changes happen? This esteemed panel of experts will provide perspectives on how COVID-19 has and will impact the future of transportation, and provide insights into what public officials and decision makers should be considering going forward.

Specific topics to be explored by the panelists include:

  • Identifying the data we have and how we can use it to inform decision making;
  • Exploring the broader economic impacts on the private sector, along with anticipated shifts;
  • Assessing opportunities for public/private collaborations and partnerships that advance stronger active connections between historically separate sectors including transportation and fiber-optic access, across the state;
  • Exploring the impacts and considerations of impacts to transit, shared mobility, and equity.

Cascadia Innovation Corridor (pdf 815 kb)

COVID-19 Economic Impact (pdf 329 kb)

COVID-19 Outcome (pdf 178 kb)

Impact of COVID-19  (pdf 1.1 mb)

Item 5: 11:50

Moderated Panel Discussion

Moderator: Sabrina Minshall, Moderator

Adjourn: 12:30 p.m.


Next Meeting:

The monthly WSTC meeting in July will be held virtually and will be split into two days:
– July 15, 2020
– July 21, 2020