Washington State Transportation Commission – Regular Meeting Agenda – January 23-24, 2019

Transportation Building, Commission Board Room 1D
2310 Maple Park Avenue SE, Olympia, Washington

Please note: All listed times are estimates only and the Commission reserves the right to move agenda items as needed.


Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Item 1: 9:00 am

Commission Business

  • Approval of December 11 & 12, 2018 Meeting Summary – Action
  • Commissioner Reports
  • Proposal to Name SR 530 the “Oso Slide Memorial Highway”
  • AV Work Group Update – Guidance to Subcommittees – Action
  • September 16 & 17, 2019 Tri-State Commission Meeting

Item 2: 9:30

2019 Legislative Session and Budget Update

Most trips involve city streets and county roads, including significant freight movement which may begin and end in ports. Public transportation is the primary travel mode for many. In this agenda item, local transportation partners highlight their fiscal and policy priorities for the coming legislative session.

Presenters: Logan Bahr, Government Relations Advocate, Association of Washington Cities
Jane Wall, Managing Director, Washington State Association of County Engineers
Chris Herman, Senior Director, Trade and Transportation Washington Public Ports Association 
Mike Shaw, Government Relations, Washington State Transit Association

Break: 10:30

Item 3: 10:45

WSDOT Budget and Policy Proposals

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and OFM will update the Commission on WSDOT’s request legislation and the Governor’s Transportation Budget.

Gov. Inslee’s Transportation Budget – 2019-21 (pdf 682 kb)

Presenter: Debbie Driver, Director, Legislative Relations, Washington State Department of Transportation Dean Carlson, Senior Budget Assistant, Office of Financial Management

Item 4: 11:20

2019/21 Ferry Fare Development Process

The Transportation Commission sets ferry fares each biennium to achieve revenue and policy objectives. Staff from Washington State Ferries and the Commission explain how the proposed 2019/21 fare development process will address community engagement and highlight policy issues to consider.

WSDOT Ferries Division 2019/20 Ferry Fare Development Process (pdf 1.4 mb)

Presenters: Stephanie Circkovich, Director, Community Services & Planning, Ferries Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Carl See, Senior Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 5: 11:50

Application from In-Need Organization:  Vashon Island Interfaith Counsel on Homelessness – Action

Legislative bodies that appoint Ferry Advisory Committees may nominate organizations that serve in-need clients for a program that offers a monthly ferry fare discount to the organization and its clientele. The Commission reviews the nominations and approves the organizations that qualify for discounted fares.

Presenter: Stephanie Circkovich, Director, Community Services & Planning, Ferries Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Lunch: 12:00pm

Walk through the WTP Website.

Item 6: 1:00

Tolling In Oregon – Summary of Work, Current Status and Next Steps

The Oregon Transportation Commission has asked the Federal Highway Administration for the ability to toll portions of I-5 and I-205 in the Portland area. The Oregon Department of Transportation will provide a briefing of their process, what options they reviewed, where they ended up, and the next steps.

Portland Metro Region Value Pricing Under HB 2017 (pdf 17 mb)

Presenter: Travis Brouwer, Assistant Director, Oregon Department of Transportation

Item 7: 1:45

Public Comment

Item 8: 2:00

Washington State Transportation Commission Legislative Report

Commission staff will provide an overview of the 2019 Legislature and transportation items of interest to the Commission.

Presenter: Paul Parker, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Break: 2:30

Item 9: 2:45

Tolling Updates:

  • SR 520 Financial Plan
  • I-405 Express Toll Lanes 36 -Month Report
  • I-405 Express Toll Lanes Project – Bellevue to Renton:  Environmental Assessment and Next Steps

WSDOT will brief the Commission on traffic and revenue projections for the SR 520 Bridge, report on the first three years of the I-405 Express Toll Lanes, and report on the status of completing Express Toll Lanes from Bellevue to Renton.

I-405 Express Toll Lanes – 36 Month Update (pdf 821 kb)
SR 520 Net Toll Revenue Update (pdf 1 mb)

I-405/SR 167 Megaprogram Project Update (pdf 4 mb)

Presenters: Ed Barry, Director of Tolling, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Pani Saleh, Director, Business Administration, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation
Kim Henry, I-405/SR 167 Program Administrator, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 10: 4:15

Commission Business – Tolling

  • Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Report
  • SR 99 Memorandum of Understanding – Action

Commission staff will report on the anticipated loan required in the transportation budget to avoid a toll rate increase for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge this year. Staff also will review the proposed Memoranda of Understanding between the Commission, WSDOT and the State Treasurer regarding tolling for the SR 99 Tunnel.

2019 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Loan Report Summary (pdf 218 kb)

Presenter: Carl See, Senior Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 11: 4:40

Secretary’s Report

Adjourn: 5:00

Commissioner Dinner – Budd Bay Cafe: 5:30


Thursday, January 24, 2019


Item 12: 9:00 am

Data Management and Security for Transportation

UrbanLogiq is a cloud-based data analytics platform designed for public agencies that aggregates and centralizes public and private data resulting in easily accessible data, real-time calculations, enhanced planning and operations decisions, and time and cost savings. This session will illuminate the opportunities and challenges for public agencies who want to leverage big data to better understand current travel behaviors and anticipate how their communities will be effected by disruptive transportation technologies.

Data Management and Security for Transportation (pdf 44 mb)

Presenter: Mark Masongsong, CEO, UrbanLogiq

Item 13: 10:00

2019 Legislative Session and Budget Update

Three state agencies that provide grants for local transportation projects will report on their legislative and policy initiatives for the coming session.

Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Overview (pdf 3.8 mb)
Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (pdf 1.8 mb)

Presenters: Ashley Probart, Executive Director, Transportation Improvement Board
John Koster, Executive Director, County Road Administration Board
Brian Ziegler, Executive Director, Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board

Break: 11:00

Item 14: 11:15

Washington State Ferries Summer Recreational and Performance Survey

The Commission will hear the results of the summer 2018 FROG survey conducted to assess the performance of Washington State Ferries during the summer period and attitudes of summer ferry riders.

WSF Summer Recreational & Performance Survey Presentation (pdf 2 mb)

Presenter: Bill Young, Program Manager, Research Assurance

Item 15: 11:45

Public Comment

Item 16: 12:00

Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 12:15pm

Next Meeting – February 20 & 21, 2019 Olympia, Washington


(The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item during the Commission Meeting and may make adjustments to the order of the agenda items as well as the time of adjournment.)

All Transportation Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the event sponsor (Commission Office at (360) 705-7070). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is WSTC’s policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7082.