Washington State Transportation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda – December 11, 2018

Transportation Building, Commission Board Room 1D2
310 Maple Park Avenue SE, Olympia, Washington

Please note: All listed times are estimates only and the Commission reserves the right to move agenda items as needed.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Item 1: 9:00 am

Commission Business

  • Approval of November 14, 2018 Meeting Summary – Action
  • Revised CR-103 for Toll Exemptions – Action
  • Commissioner Reports
  • SR 99 Memorandum of Understanding
  • Review DRAFT 2018 Tolling Report

Item 2: 9:25

Public Comment

Item 3: 9:40

Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board Road-Rail Project Final Report

At-grade railroad crossings, where roads cross railroad tracks at the same level, become problems as both rail and road traffic increases, and trains get longer, impacting communities in a variety of ways.  The Road-Rail Project creates a database of road-rail conflicts, developed a project prioritization process, and identified and recommended a statewide project list.

Road-Rail Conflicts (pdf 688 kb)

Presenter: Brian Ziegler, Director, Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board

Break: 10:15

Item 4: 10:30 am

The INRIX Automated Freight Corridor Assessment

While vehicle automation will radically impact the future of the long-haul trucking sector, it is unclear where deployment is best suited for initial success. INRIX has identified corridors in the U.S. that can most immediately benefit from truck platooning, including I-5 in Oregon and Washington as a prime corridor.

Automated Freight Corridor Assessment (pdf 1 mb)
INRIX Automated Freight Corridor Assessment 2018 Report (pdf 4 mb)

Presenter: Avery Ash, Head of Autonomous Mobility, INRIX

Item 5: 11:15

Connected Vehicle and Advanced Safety Technology to Assist Truck Drivers

Long-haul trucking will evolve as the industry deploys new technology.  Peloton Technology is a connected vehicle technology company that is bringing to market one such technology, Driver-Assistive Truck Platooning. This session will describe how it works, and its safety and efficiency benefits.

Peloton Technology (pdf 1 mb)

Presenter: Steve Boyd, Vice President of External Affairs, Peloton

Lunch: 12:00 pm

Item 6: 1:00

Autonomous Vehicle Work Group Update and Recommendations –  ACTION

The Autonomous Vehicle Work Group has identified initial policy recommendations for the operation of autonomous vehicles on pubic roadways in the state.  The Commission will consider the input of the Work Group and discuss the WSTC draft annual report to the 2019 Legislature and the Governor, which will describe the progress made by the work group and the Commission’s recommendations.

Autonomous Vehicle Work Group Update (pdf 1 mb)

Presenter: Scott Shogan, Connected and Automated Vehicle Market Leader. WSP USA

Item 7: 2:45

Public Comment

Break: 3:00

Item 8: 3:10

Road Usage Charge Pilot Update

This update on the Road Usage Charge (RUC) pilot project will report on the steering committee work and next steps.

RUC Update (pdf 849 kb)

Presenter: Jeff Doyle, Partner, D’Artagnan Consulting

Item 9: 4:00

2018 Transportation Attainment Report

The Office of Financial Management shares its perspective on areas of improvement and challenges to be addressed in the statewide tranportation system.  Three new performance criteria were recommended by the Commission.

2018 Transportation Attainment Report (pdf 1 mb)

Presenters: Dean Carlson, Senior Budget Assistant, Office of Financial Management
Dan Davis, Assistant Director, Systems Analysis, Washington State Department of Transportation
Yvette Wixson, Transportation Planner, Washington State Department of Transportation

Adjourn: 5:00

6:30 Commissioner Dinner
Mercato Ristorante


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Item 10: 8:30 am

Public Comment

Item 11: 8:40

Commute Trip Reduction Program

The Washington State Legislature passed the Commute Trip Reduction Law in 1991 to call on employers to encourage their workers to drive alone less often, reduce carbon emissions and keep the busiest commute routes flowing. WSDOT is proposing changes to broaden the scope of the program.

Commute Trip Reduction (pdf 1 mb)

Presenter: Brian Lagerberg, Director, Public Tranportation Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 12: 9:15

Gateway Program

The Gateway Program, funded in the 2015 Connecting Washington package, will complete SR 509 & SR 167 connections with I-5. This briefing will describe the project, its time line, and tolling options under consideration.

Gateway Program

Presenter: Craig Stone, Program Administrator, Puget Sound Gateway, Washington State Department of Transportation

Break: 10:00

Item 13: 10:15

Tolling Update

  • Tacoma Narrows Bridge Financial Plan
  • SR 520 Financial Overview

WSDOT will provide an update on the Tacoma Narrow Bridge financial plan, and an overview of SR 520 tolling, based on the latest Transportation Revenue Forecast.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Financial Plan (pdf 775 kb)

Presenter: Ed Barry, Director of Tolling, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 14: 10:45

Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Keith MetcalfDeputy Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 15: 11:00

Washington Transportation Plan 2040 and Beyond – ACTION

The Washington Transportation Plan (WTP) establishes a 20-year vision for development of the statewide transportation system. The Commission will take final action to adopt WTP 2040 and Beyond.

Presenters: Paul Parker, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission
Thera Black, Planning Manager, SCJ Alliance

Item 16: 11:30

Commission Business

  • 2018 Annual Report – Action

Each year the Commission issues a report to the Legislature and Governor on how the transportation system is working for citizens across the state, its policy recommendations for improving the transportation system, and an overview of Commission work over the past year

Presenter: Paul Parker, Deputy Director, WSTC

Item 17: 12:15 

Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 12:30

Next Meeting

January 23 & 24, 2019 Olympia, Washington


(The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item during the Commission Meeting and may make adjustments to the order of the agenda items as well as the time of adjournment.)

All Transportation Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the event sponsor (Commission Office at (360) 705-7070). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is WSTC’s policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7082.