Washington State Transportation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda – October 16-17, 2018

Transportation Building, Commission Board Room 1D2
310 Maple Park Avenue SE, Olympia, Washington

Please note: All listed times are estimates only and the Commission reserves the right to move agenda items as needed.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Item 1: 9:00 am

Commission Business

  • Approval of July 17, 2018 Final Hearing on Toll Exemption Proposal Verbatim Transcript – Action
  • Approval of September 17 & 18, 2018 Meeting Summary – Action
  • Commissioner Reports
  • Proposed 2019 Regular Meeting Schedule & West Coast Commission Meeting

Item 2: 9:30

Road Usage Charge Update

This update on the Road Usage Charge (RUC) pilot project will report on participant response and the steering committee work-plan for the remainder of the project. 

WA RUC Pilot Project Update (pdf 120 kb)

Presenter: Jeff Doyle, Partner, D’Artagnan Consulting

Item 3: 10:00

Autonomous Vehicle Work Group Update

This update will include an overview of the subcommittee work of the Autonomous Vehicle Work Group.  Each subcommittee has held one of more meeting to develop policy recommendations for the operation of autonomous vehicles on public roadways in the state.

Presenter: Reema Griffith, Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Break: 10:15

Item 4: 10:30 am

FY 2018 Tolling Report

Washington State Department of Transportation will provide traffic and revenue data for tolled facilities for FY 2018.

FY 2018 Tolling Report (pdf 550 kb)

Presenter: Ed Barry, Director of Tolling, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 5: 10:45

Status of Tolling Customer Service Center and Back Office Transition

Washington State Department of Transportation will brief the Commission on the transition to new vendors for toll system operations.

Status of Tolling Customer Service Center and Back Office Transition (pdf 455 kb)

Presenter: Jennifer Charlebois, Director, Systems & Engineering, Toll Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

Final Public Hearing
Public Hearing:  SR 99 Toll Rate Setting – Action

Item 6: 11:00

Final Public Hearing – Proposed Rule Making, WSR 18-17-164: Adopting Toll Rates for the SR 99 Tunnel

Overview of Proposed Rates & Policies
Public Comment
Final Vote

SR 99 Toll Rates Hearing (pdf 595 kb)

Resume Regular Meeting

Presenter: Carl See, Senior Financial Analyst, Washington State Transportation Commission

Lunch: 12:00

Item 7: 1:00

What Does the Transportation Future Hold?

The Executive Director of the nation’s leading transportation research body will brief the Commission on the long-term transportation planning and funding considerations of autonomous vehicles and other emerging transportation technologies.

Connected and Automated Vehicles (pdf 942 kb)

Presenter: Neil Pedersen, Executive Director, Transportation Research Board

Item 8: 2:00

Technology and Transportation:  Waze, Uber, LUUM

New technology, combined with public/partnerships, are enhancing traditional travel practices and offering drivers new alternatives.

Uber PNW (pdf 1 mb)
Waze Carpool (pdf 1 mb)
Luum (pdf 2 mb)

Presenters: Jackson Taylor, Manager, Public Sector Partnerships – UberPNW
Steven Lemeshow, Strategic Partnerships, Waze Carpool
E. Sohier Hall, CEO, Co-founder, Luum

Break: 3:00

Item 9: 3:15

Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared Mobility:  Bellevue’s Commute Pool Concept

The City of Bellevue is partnering  with other public and private partners to improve commute options for its workforce and reduce congestion. 

Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared Mobility (pdf 2 mb)
Bellevue Brochure (pdf 1 mb)

Presenters: Steve Marshall, Transportation Technology Partnership Manager, City of Bellevue
E. Sohier Hall, CEO, Co-founder, Luum

Item 10: 4:25

Secretary’s Report

Presenter: Keith Metcalf, Deputy Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation

Item 11: 4:45

Public Comment

Adjourn: 5:00

Commissioner Dinner 5:30
Gardner’s Restaurant


Wednesday October 17, 2018

Item 12: 9:00 am

Commission Business

  • 2017 Annual Report
  • Local Funding Issues

Presenter: Paul Parker, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Item 13: 9:30

Washington Transportation Plan (WTP) Public Review Draft Feedback and Next Steps

The Washington Transportation Plan (WTP) establishes a 20-year vision for development if the statewide tranportation system.  This progress report will summarize the public comment received on the draft plan and seek direction of the revisions proposed in the response to that feedback.

WTP 2040 Public Review Draft (pdf 507 kb)

Presenters: Thera Black, Planning Manager, SCJ Alliance
Paul Parker, Deputy Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Break: 10:30

Item 14: 10:45

Ferry Riders’ Opinion Group Reservation Study Report

The Commission will be briefed on the June 2018 ferry riders’ survey on the satisfaction with the reservation program and its potential for expansion.

June 2018 WSF Reservation Survey (pdf 877 kb)
June 2018 WSF Reservation Survey Final Report (pdf 2 mb)

Presenter: Bill Young, Program Manager, Research Assurance

Item 15: 11:30

Housing, Transportation, and Health

The cost of transportation and housing are inextricably linked.  The Washington State Department of Health is working with its partners on healthy community design to find innovative ways to reduce housing and transportation costs.  This work is focused on policies that impact density, land use mix, accessibility, and their connection to public health and physical activity.

Healthy Community Design (pdf 629 kb)

Presenter: Rad Cunningham, Senior Epidemiologist, Built Environment Section Environmental Public Health, Washington State Department of Health

Item 16: 12:00 pm

Public Comment

Item 17: 12:15

Reflections and Recommendations

Adjourn: 12:30

Next Meeting
November 14, 2018
Oak Harbor, Washington


(The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item during the Commission Meeting and may make adjustments to the order of the agenda items as well as the time of adjournment.)

All Transportation Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the event sponsor (Commission Office at (360) 705-7070). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is WSTC’s policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7082.