Washington State Transportation Commission – Regular Meeting Agenda – October 17-18, 2017

WSDOT Headquarters Building
Nisqually Conference Room 1D2
310 Maple Park Avenue SE, Olympia, Washington

Please note: All listed times are estimates only and the Commission reserves the right to move agenda items as needed.


Tuesday, October 17,  2017

Item 1: 8:30 am

Chairman Welcome and Introductions

Item 2: 8:35

Road Usage Charge Pilot Project Update

In this session, the Commission will learn more about public attitudes toward road usage charging, and volunteer recruitment and communication for the Pilot Project.

Washington State Road Usage Charge Pilot Project Update (pdf 2 mb)

Presenters: Jeff Doyle, Partner, D’Artagnan Consulting
Michelle Neiss, DHM Research
Ara Swanson, EnviroIssues

Break: 10:00

Item 3: 10:15

Road Usage Charge Pilot Project Update (continued)

With detailed planning for Pilot Project operations well underway, the Commission this session will focus on RUC reporting options, activities of other partners in the project, and the draft Pilot Evaluation Plan.

Washington State Road Usage Charge Pilot Project Update (pdf 2 mb)

Presenters: Jeff Doyle, Partner, D’Artagnan Consulting
Matthew Dorfman, Partner, D’Artagnan Consulting
Allegra Calder, Principal, BERK Consulting

Item 4: 11:45

Public Comment

Lunch Break: 12:00 pm

Item 5: 1:00

Commission Business

  • Approval of the September 19, 2017 Meeting Summary – Action
  • Approval of the July 26, 2017 Ferry Fare Rate Setting Hearing Meeting Summary – Action

Item 6: 1:10

Resilient Washington Report

The Resilient Washington Subcabinet, has assessed the state’s resiliency to earthquakes and tsunamis.  The Emergency Management Division of the Washington Military Department has worked with WSDOT and other agencies to identify gaps, prioritize actions, and estimate implementation costs.

Cascadia Rising (pdf 226 kb)

Presenter: Robert Ezelle, Director, Emergency Management Division, Washington State Military Department

Item 7: 1:50

I-5 Autonomous Vehicle Corridor

The ACES Northwest Network is working to advance Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared vehicle technologies in the Puget Sound region.  Collaborating with Madrona Venture Group, ACES NW has proposed a plan to accommodate autonomous vehicles on the I-5 corridor.

Aces Northwest Network (pdf 1 mb)

Presenters: Bruce Agnew, Director, Cascadia Academy
Scott Kuznicki, Director, Mobility Technology Solutions, Transpo Group

Break: 2:35

Item 8: 2:50

Puget Sound Transit Agencies’ and Tolling

Transit is exempt from paying tolls on tolled facilities in Washington, except on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Transit agencies will explain the benefits this exemption provides.

Puget Sound Transit Agencies’ and Tolling (pdf 1 mb)

Presenters: Alexandra Mather, Government & Community Relations Officer, Pierce Transit
Jana Demas, Strategic Planning Supervisor, King County Metro
Todd Morrow, Chief of External Affairs, Community Transit
David Huffaker, Deputy Executive Director, Operations & Support, Sound Transit

Item 9: 4:00

WTP Phase 2 Update

WSDOT is seeking public comment on its implementation strategy for the long-range statewide transportation plan, WTP 2035.  This briefing highlights the specific action proposed to accomplish the 2035 vision.

WTP Phase 2 Update (pdf 402 kb)
Action Items (pdf 310 kb)

Presenters: Elizabeth Robbins, Manager, Planning Policy & Partnerships, WSDOT
Richard Warren, Manager, Planning Studies, WSDOT

Item 10: 4:45

SR 507 Naming

The City of Rainier proposes naming SR 507 from milepost 22 to milepost 24 to honor Sergeant Justin Dean Norton.  A graduate of Rainier High School, Sergeant Norton was killed in action on patrol in Baghdad in 2006 – Action

Resolution No. 733 (pdf 13 kb)

Presenter: Everett Gage, Councilman, City of Rainier

Adjourn: 5:00

Commissioner Dinner: 5:30
Ramblin Jacks


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Item 11: 8:30 am

Secretary’s Report

Presenters: Keith Metcalf, Deputy Secretary, WSDOT

Item 12: 8:45

Commission Business

  • Washington Transportation Plan Consultant Selection – Action
  • 2018 – 2019 Meeting Schedule and Locations – Action
  • 2017 Annual Report

Break: 9:45

Item 13: 10:00

FY 2018 Rate Setting Schedule

The Commission will be reviewing or initiating tolls and toll policies for several facilities during FY 2018.  Staff will provide an overview of the proposed schedule.

FY 2018 Rate Setting Schedule (pdf 177 kb)

Presenter: Carl See, Senior Financial Analyst

Item 14: 10:15

WSDOT Tolling Update

  • FY 2017 Year-end Traffic and Revenue Report
  • Legislative Proviso Report
    WSDOT Toll Division will report on FY 2017 traffic and revenue for each facility, and its legislative benchmarks

Tolling Update (pdf 768 kb)
I-405 FY 2017 (pdf 235 kb)
SR 520 FY 2017 (pdf 233 kb)
SR 167 HOT FY 2017 (pdf 92 kb)
TNB FY 2017 (pdf 91 kb)

Presenter: Ed Barry, P,E., Director, Toll Division, WSDOT

Item 15: 11:00

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Workgroup Update

The 2017 Legislature directed the Commission to lead a stakeholder work group assessing options for providing long-term toll payer relief for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (TNB). Prioritized policy solutions are due to the transportation committees of the legislature by December 1 2017.

TNB Finance Work Group (pdf 262 kb)

Presenters: Commissioner Shiv Batra, Co-Chair of TNB Refinance Work Group
Bruce Beckett, TNB CAC Chair & Co-Chair of TNB Refinance Work Group
Carl See, Senior Financial Analyst, WSTC

Item 16: 11:30

Public Comment

Item 17: 11:45

Reflections and Next Steps

Adjourn: 12:00 pm

(The Commission reserves the right to take action on any item during the Commission Meeting and may make adjustments to the order of the agenda items as well as the time of adjournment.)

All Transportation Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations by contacting the event sponsor (Commission Office at (360) 705-7070). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact the event sponsor through the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1.

Title VI Notice to Public

It is WSTC’s policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator 360-705-7082.